A.J.A Part 1

I guess in order for me to unfold the story, I have to start from the beginning. So here it is. Part one.

I met AJA a few weeks after dating my (now) husband exclusively. I knew about AJA's existence the day Joe started getting in touch with me via facebook. I was going through quite an ordeal in my personal life, and a lot of finger pointing was heading my way -- so the last thing I wanted was another complication, another accusation. I asked Joe about his personal life -- wanting to know his marital status. He told me it was over and that he has been living on his own over the past 2 years or so. He told me about his other past relationships and he told me about his son and late daughter.

I finally agreed to meet up with Joe face to face, after in one of our conversations, he told me that he can meet me and my friends after he sees his boy. I thought that was pretty sweet of him to place his son first. So, it was on that night, that I agreed on a date with Joe (though it wasn't so much of a date, with 10 other folks with us all the time -- haven't been in the dating scene for awhile, so was not really into seeing him alone to be quite honest! LOL!)

After a few meetings, Joe asked me if it was okay for me to meet his son. Of course I said ok, being a single mother myself -- I thought it would be nice to meet his son that he spoke so fondly of. My daughter, Isobel, who was barely 2 at that time had already met Joe briefly. And they hit it off handsomely. I said a little prayer as we went to pick A up. He came out from his house -- shuffling his feet and with a big, handsome smile.

Cute boy of 15(?), tanned, gorgeous curls and a dazzling smile.

I melted.

He 'salam-ed' his bapak, and Joe introduced us. He 'salam-ed' me --

"Hi Aunty Pon"

"Hey Ariff..glad to have finally met you."

He was shy, I was nervous, but after 5 minutes -- the car was chaotic with laughter, music and heavy chatter.

I sighed a relief.

It was going to be okay.


  1. I will wait patiently for part 2;)

  2. yeay dah boleh comment!!!!hehhe excited i am kakak!

    more please

  3. Been following your blog since 2008. I adore u so much Daphne! Keep on writing as your courages & strong personality inspires me much! :)

  4. Hey daphne, do share your experiences as I also just became a single mom. It is good to know that you survived the 'drama' and happier now...I really adore you..:)


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