TV host with a penchant for cleaning and organising
BETWEEN her roles as television host, emcee, journalist, artist and mother, Daphne Iking certainly has a lot on her plate.
“I sometimes complain but I actually thrive on work,” said Iking, who is the mother of one-year-old Isobel.

“When I was growing up, my parents couldn’t afford to give us many things that other children had and I worked hard so that I can provide for my daughter without spoiling her,” she said.
She had decided a few months back to take a break after taking on the lead role in the movie Belukar.
“I needed a break and wanted to just concentrate on the Breakfast Show (on NTV7) but the Estee Lauder Model Search 2009 organisers approached me to host the show,” the bubbly 31-year-old said.
The offer proved to be too good to say no to, especially since she would be hosting the show with her best friend and Breakfast Show co-host Nazruddin Habibur Rahman (Naz).
Even with her busy schedule, Iking ensures that she has time for her baby and she often brings Isobel with her to work.
Iking, who is always ready for a new challenge, also found the time to learn the guitar, drums and to spin music.
“I played my first gig early this year,” Iking said proudly.
Not one to rest on her laurels, she had also embarked on a fashion project which she preferred to keep hush-hush for now.
“You’ll find out in August,” said Iking with a sly smile.
What do you like most about KL?
Living in KL makes you appreciate the serenity of your hometown better.
What do you dislike about KL?
We’ve got beautiful architecture and buildings but it’s sad because the people do not bother to maintain the beauty of the city. You go to a nice place and you’ll see dirty toilets and graffiti on the walls.
What do you do to relax?
This might sound weird but when I do have the luxury of time, I actually like spring-cleaning. I would organise my things and take out what I don’t need. I take polaroids of my shoes so that it’s easier to manage. I would organise my books because my sister – who I love dearly – never puts it back in alphabetical order. The only thing I have not mastered is ironing and cooking.
What is your favourite place to hang out?
I’ll be at the Shah Alam go-kart circuit every other Sunday with some church kids who I baby-sit for. If I have time to spare, I would be in front of my computer at home.
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