Returned last night from a very productive trip in Singapore. Embraced the break with full force - have loads of stories to share. Was enjoying myself so much there and wished I didn't have to come back, but I knew reality was calling me -- Flew home listening to my ipod and going through some pictures on my camera forlornly. So many memories in just a short span of time. The trip made such a huge impact in my life, I was zombie-like till Mas dragged me out to register for yet another class we are to take next week. Have been in and out of sleep, cancelled 2 appointments, made my brother get me food, newspapers and after 2 dvds, I dragged my
monyok arse up to the study to reply emails and start 'living' again.
When trouble brews and worry lines form deeply, you know you can count on these key people for love and support.
So jiwang.
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