Paul Robert Hamilton @ Skems2daMax.Dive Instructor for Endon and Dappers. Decided that our girly conversation on homosexuality was a bit too much for his Kiwi ears, so he gaily (geddit?) took my camera and went ahead taking some awesome shots of the beach.Not bad I must say.

This awful shot of us was taken right after our final dive!
Towards the last few exercises, my eardrums were ready to burst!
Tired but contented.

One of my fave shots of this mat salleh celup remote royal lady.
Cantik her baju.

How can you say NO to this?
Beautiful. This is where we slept to absorb some sun....

Mas, QueenDennis, Yours truly and Kamil. They are a ball of fun. Hello Nigel?
of fruitcakes and chocolate coated fingers.
Can't wait to meet up with them again ....

It was also Redang Clean Up Day !
Reporters galore....sigh.
Some of us treaded on careful grounds.

Mas & I taking a quick nap. In our rash suits. Wonder what we are dreaming about? Smiling all the way....hmmm....

We decided to remove our rash suits and scuba with just our bikinis. The rest of them came with fully equipped bodysuits which seemed rather silly being under the hot sun and all. The depth here is less than 10m depth, so Paulie said it should be fine. Water was lovely, fishies were a plenty --- or so I thought.
I was rather dissappointed to know later on, that that was not the best place to dive. Nevermind, there is always a next time I told them.

Final instructions. Ascend?
Paulie has a secret fetish in checking out our bulu ketiak. I'm serious. Weird I tell you.

Another favourite picture of Mas that I took after waking up from our sleep/sunbaking session. So "break-away ish"
Fuyuh... gambar Mas sexinya! This one should print and sell as postcard at the karnival. Sure Bersamamu loaded after that.