Ba Ba Kambing Hitam

Made this up a long time ago...sing it to the ba ba black sheep song....its quite cool and accurate. Have fun!

Ba Ba Kambing Hitam
Kau ada bulu?
Ya tuan, ya tuan,
tiga beg penuh.
satu untuk tuan
satu untuk puan
satu untuk budak kecik
yang tinggal di tepi jalan

*Ba ba black sheep
have you any wool?
yes sir. yes sir,
3 bags full.
one for the master
and one for the dame,
and one for the little boy
who lives down the lane*

There you go....almost accurate huh?
Should of put more focus in my exams instead of nursery rhymes.


  1. i can't believe it's daph's blog! BTW, i missed watching you on TBS!

  2. the mother of all shacks lingers across the weekend,find it difficult to flush out of the system.please forewarn us ,docile creature of mother earth the next time u decided on being brutally frank.the last account of the shack is with regard to the occupational hazards of the poor Harijan[untouchable] in India.

  3. saw you drive past me at NKVE last Saturday evening.. so lajuuu.. why the rush? :)


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