Jay, Tom, Shegar and BB did an excellant job! Forking out RM137 on sashimi and sushi (plus another 3K plus on the photography) might just seem justifiable!
Quite happy with my weekend. Yesterday, I had my meeting with Shen Yi and Po Lin ( I do Weddings) with the Chong family on the wedding plans, sent my Aigner dress back to KLCC, met up with the very talented Chelsia Ng and Alvin Wong for a fabulous karaoke session (I think I have found my Chinese Emcee and another willing singer for the wedding), washed DD32, cooked dinner (Pak Choy with ikan masin!) took a nap and woke up to watch Entourage and Hearts & Souls on HBO. Ended up sleeping on the couch (that couch is soooooooooooooo comfortable!).
Next day, woke up - did some housework, had cereal for breakfast and went for the shoot. Came home to home-cooked food (Boboy cooked more Pak Choy with udang kering plus ikan masin * yup...ikan masin seems to be in our diet this whole week!*), took a nap - on the couch (I don't know why I am so tired lately) removed the body paint (rushed up quickly when I heard Boboy's pals coming), took a long bath (removing the paint was quite a task), completed some content for the website, chatted with Oon Oon, finished some work on the computer and played with the pups. ( China has found a new place to hibernate -- under my bathroom sink)
Tmrw the start of another long week.
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
- Japanese Proverb
*currently listening to Paris Hilton's self-titled album PARIS and Peter Pan- a strange combo but irony is nice when its pleasant to the ears*
*currently listening to Paris Hilton's self-titled album PARIS and Peter Pan- a strange combo but irony is nice when its pleasant to the ears*
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