Fortunately N-O. But pictures do tell a thousand stories. Sometimes, what you hear or see is not neccessarily what it seems to be.
I have yet t0 complete my article on FAME for my III issue of E&A (its out already btw!) but if I really took time to examine things around me closely, I know fame is not as rosy as it appears to be...nor that difficult to consume altogether.
Will write the article and you can buy the 3rd issue of E&A to find out my take on this. In the meantime, I have loads of pictures and some rather interesting tales to share with you.
Writing out my cheques now (its time to pay the bills) and the dust on my study table is giving me the itchies..so going to take some time to post new entries.
Patience, they say is a virtue, something I am finding very hard to 'tolerate'
Can't wait to show and tell the what's and the who's and the where's
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