PCD World Tour had their live concert here in KL and what a turnout! The emcees (AdamC & Ean) started the show with some games. See that lady in the middle with a french-like maid outfit? She made the crowd wild when she showed off her dance moves! We were at the VVIP seating....quite dissappointing. Too far away. But at least we had free flow of drinks and a fan to blow the heat away...sizzling hot!

Nicole. Shit. She is HOT! Mas and I ( and a thousand others I am sure) could not help gawk and feel mesmerized by her. THATS IT! I am growing my hair longer, getting a tan, and going to work on those rusty dance moves!

Loosen up your buttons babe...

And we called it a night. Thank you DFR, Mas and Shireen for that wonderful time!
missed it, but then again not a big fan of em. :P