"Director's Cut"

Some bits of my article this week on THE DIFFERENT SPIN column, were 'reconsidered' so am posting it here instead.
I asked some friends and family of mine what positive changes would they like to see post GE13. Here is what they have to say:

"How does our Prime Minister intend to address the weakness of Chinese representation under Barisan Nasional?'" questions entrepreneur, Stephanie Tay.

There seems to be a lot of racial tension of late.

Talent agent, Geetha Anandaraj gets really upset when she is told to "go back to her country".

"Abolish race base politics/policies. Be transparent - honesty and integrity will take you further than you can ever imagine, including with the people in the rural areas, allow them to have equal access to information and that means free press as well. The government has to understand that they work for us and not vice versa."


I just want a safe, non sexist, non racist, corrupt free and healthy Malaysia.

