Isobel Daniella looks at me with those huge, innocent eyes and I can’t help but feel sad that she won’t be able to live in the world my forefathers and I had grown up in. With the daunting ongoing wars getting nastier, the economical crunch hitting the world that has indirectly caused more social ills and unpleasant situations for many and finally, the significant threat of climate change due to the huge and rapid increases of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere caused by modern activities, I know it is time for us to get together to make our world a better place. Love one another. Be kind to each other. For a healthier world for our children and their children.
I always thought I was the more environmentally friendly person in the house. I had set up my paper/plastic/tin bins outside and even had a compost bin with written instructions for my maid and husband. Little did I know, that there was a whole lot more I could do, from simple things like using a washable flannel towel to wipe off my studio makeup, as opposed to using cotton pads and tissues and drawing the curtains to cool the room down as opposed to using the air conditioner. And I know there is more that I, as an individual alone, can do to make the world a better, brighter one for my baby girl’s grandchildren.
I support Earth Hour because I believe it is possible to take actions on global warming. I support it because it will show that there is still hope in mankind. That we may be of different creed and colour, but we all believe in ONE message irrespective of who we are, what we are.
By just turning off my lights on March 28th for an hour will reflect my belief in the powerful message that the people of the world care about the future of the planet. Our planet.
Earth Hour needs you to make this happen. So if you believe in this too, just sign up to Earth hour at Everyone can play a significant part in combating climate change. Lets forget our indifferences and spread the hope and the message that together, we CAN make a difference.
Isobel and the other children of the world needs to know that there is something to look forward to…
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